hall of fame
Video Art Miden
FokiaNou Art Space is pleased to welcome and host Video Art Miden
Video Art Miden collaborates with FokiaNou Art Space in a four-day video art event that takes place in June 2018. Sophia Grigoriadou, Margarita Stavraki and Panagiotis Voulgaris, curate a screening program of 25 selected videos, submitted at the recent open call that was held by Video Art Miden.
FokiaNou Art Space //6 - 9 June 2018. Opening Days - Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 17.00 - 20.00.
Closing Party: Saturday 9th of June 2018 at 20.00.
Sofia Grigoriadou presents a series of videos focusing on in between situations and spaces. Some of them are concerned with what is promoted and what is silenced in public urban space, while others suggest transitions that reflect on and disrupt both polarities and boundaries between private and public, familiar and unfamiliar, monumental and the anti-monument.
Participants: Aurèle Ferrier, Di Hu, Wojciech Gilewicz, François Roux, Przemek Wegrzyn.
The selection by Margarita Stavraki explores the autonomy of narrative elements and their reconnection in a video art selection. In these videos the object, the gesture and the space become art works on their own. Sometimes they deny their narrative role, sometimes they just insinuate it, and at others they serve it poetically.
Participants: Mircea Bobina, Eleonora Roaro, Hanna Schaich, Irini Folerou, Anna Macdonald, Hamza Kirbas, John C. Kelley, Cat Del Buono, Mauricio Sanhueza, François Roux, Collin Bradford, François Roux & Mathieu Bouillod, Marcia Beatriz Granero.
Panagiotis Voulgaris selects and places a series of videos that focus on everyone's special sound. A sequence of intense mechanical sounds and silences, seductive murmurs and war cries, exotic songs and electro-acoustic music decrypts the notion of place as paradise, dystopia, fragment and poetry, leading the viewer into an exciting audio-visual endeavour.
Participants: Di Hu, Randomproject300, Hana Ben-Haim Yulzeri, Jack Williams, Luca Ferri, Susanne Wiegner, Nenad Nedeljkov.
6-9 June 2018


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