hall of fame

XIII Edition

36000 - Pierre Villemin [France]
50.000 Touches #excerpt 4 - Fenia Kotsopoulou [Greece]
A Thousand Things - Caroline Caza [Canada]
A half-dreamed memory - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
Blue Room - Kate Cheeseman [United Kingdom]
Breathing Bags - Maria Korporal [Germany]
Cogito in Space - Daniela de Paulis [Netherlands]
Commun - Jonathan Rochier [France]
Crossing Signs - Tanja Balac and Nikola Drvoshanov [Macedonia]
Dystopian landscapes - Fran Orallo [United Kingdom]
En lo profundo de la piel - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
Engranaje - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [France]
Entelechia (o sul senso del dovere) - Anna Utopia Giordano [Italy]
Feather eater - Espen Tversland [Norway]
Fulfillment of a Wish - Emily Greenberg [United States]
In memory of - Mattia Bioli [Italy]
Lava-Garden - Ingrid Gaier [Austria]
Light Leak - Nate Dorr [United States]
Look at you after the war / xquisite corpse - Hernando Urrutia [Portugal]
Night for a lost one - Nenad Nedeljkov [Serbia]
No one will come to rescue us - Juan Carlos García-Sampedro Ferrero [Spain]
Poise - Luís Soares [Portugal]
Possible or if possible - Chanmin Kim [South Korea]
Reinicio I - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [France]
Storms - Joao Pedro Oliveira [Portugal]
Tejer un cuerpo (Weaving a body) - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
Tesseract - Joao Pedro Oliveira [Portugal]
The Library of Water - Damon M. Mohl [United States]
The Lovers of Avignon - Manuel Fernández Ferro [Spain]
The Peaceable Kingdom - Brit Bunkley [New Zealand]
The Silence Of The Mirrors - Johannes Christopher Gerard [Netherlands]
entrEEspecies - Laura y Sira Cabrera [Spain]
Àlááfíà Ni - Tobi Onabolu [Benin]

XII Edition

4 Walls - Ausín Sáinz [Spain]
Aegra timoris (Sick of fear) - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
Annuli (Double-Blind No.2) - The Double-Blind Experiments [Australia]
Anywhere but here - Francisco Belarmino [Chile]
Cabaret - Santiago Echeverry [United States]
Comedia bufa - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [France]
Dark Myriad 7 - Eta Dahlia [United Kingdom]
Deep blue - Sebastian Wiedemann [Colombia]
Descend - Zlatko Cosic [United States]
Dreams are fabricated - Meg Case & Brad Porter [United States]
Encounters - Mona Keil [Germany]
Escape - Igor Imhoff [Italy]
Everyday (January 11, 2000 - January 11, 2020) - Noah Kalina [United States]
Healing - Gabriela Morawetz [France]
Inside - Yann Chapotel [France]
Jack - Faiyaz Jafri [United States]
Kepler-186F - Antonio Lizana Ferrando [Spain]
Pòlemos - Ric Bianco [Italy]
Quantum entanglement - Jerry King Musser [United States]
Quebrantos - Maria Elorza [Spain]
Soleil Noir - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
Stay home - Arnaud Laffond [France]
Taxonomía (replicantes) - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [France]
Tres pasos - Antonello Matarazzo [Italy]
Uncle Harry's tombstone - Jordan T. Caylor [Spain]
Untitled#1 - Rafael [Spain]
VideOvide Hermaphrodite - Samuel Bester [France]
Wild Times - NVGÆ - Igor Imhoff [Italy]
Without hesitation [1] - Fenia Kotsopoulou [Greece]
You - mirjamsvideos [Netherlands]
[in search of my lost self] - Lisi Prada - Carmen Isasi [Spain]

XI Edition

Ascensor - Adrian Garcia Gomez [United States]
Beautytudes - José Ramón da Cruz [Spain]
Before the eyes - Simon Šerc & Martina Testen [Slovenia]
Child - Viviane Riberaigua [France]
Counterclockwise - Pedram Yazdani [Spain]
Culpado - Alexia Maltner [Brazil]
Cyclamen - Davide Canali [Italy]
Desenredar - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [France]
Grans canons - Alain Biet [France]
Guster - John C. Kelley [United States]
Howling corners - Lika Sidorova [Russian Federation]
Irae - Gérard Cairaschi [France]
Koud slova - Johannes Christopher Gerard [Netherlands]
La memoria de un oído - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
Le murmure des choses - Michel Pavlou [Norway]
Memories - Pezhmann Mokary [Denmark]
Mezzanine_act1 - Salvatore Insana [Italy]
Paralysis - Tom Sajewski [Poland]
Politik - Antonello Matarazzo [Italy]
Ritual and Repetition - Eric Souther [United States]
Russell's - Ece Yazıcıgil [Turkey]
Skinned - Francesca Fini [Italy]
That mysterious light - Úrsula San Cristóbal [Spain]
The Magic Bullet - Mauricio Sanhueza [Peru]
The shameless - Gustavo Gorzalczany [Argentina]
The three chairs - Jerry King Musser [United States]
Three - Teymur Daimi [Azerbaijan]
Thus spoke Zarathustra - Joanna & Rubens [Taiwan]
Uriel - Harvey Goldman & Jing Wang [United States]

X Edition

A cuppa with ancestors - Fenia Kotsopoulou [Greece]
Acciones Nómadas - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [Spain]
Aquarius - Timo Zhalnin [Russian Federation]
Atlantic - Nelton Pellenz [Brazil]
Augmented - Rogier Dirkx [Netherlands]
Blackman - Donya Hajizadeh [Iran]
Body experiments - Melanie Beisswenger [Germany]
China Dream - Tan Tan [China]
Class - Reza Golchin [Iran]
Contact - Di Hu [China]
Conversation - Donya Hajizadeh [Iran]
Helix Aspersa - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [Spain]
In motion - Anabela Costa [France]
Lament of Sammy’s forest - Tushar Waghela [India]
Lauren's Catalogue of Emotions - Suso Phizer [United States]
Legendary Variations - Mike Celona [United States]
May Revolution - Francesca Bonci [Italy]
Moriana - Juan Alonso + Nicolás Rico [Colombia]
N.1368597069 - Vasilios Papaioannu [Italy]
Night clerk - Damon Mohl [United States]
Phantom - Marcia Beatriz Granero [Brazil]
Pneuma (triptyque) - Antonello Matarazzo [Italy]
Shizen? Natural - Christin Bolewski [Germany]
Sigint - Phil Hastings [United States]
Son et lumiere - Jean-Michel Rolland [France]
Spatial Bodies - AUJIK / Stefan Larsson [Japan]
The Womb - Diane Mikheeva [Russian Federation]
The burning - Francesca Fini [Italy]
Tig Gibi - Arda Yalkin [Turkey]
You are what we were, you shall be what we are - Juan Alonso [Colombia]

IX Edition

A love letter - Francesca Fini [Italy]
Anatta - Manasak Khlongchainan [Thailand]
Avant la nuit - Chiara Caterina [Italy]
Blackpainter - Elena Tagliapietra [Italy]
Classmates - Reza Golchin [Iran]
Deshabitarse / Self abandonment - Laura & Sira Cabrera [Spain]
Door - Martin Ulikhanyan [United States]
E=M.C square - Rogier Dirkx [Netherlands]
Globe trot - Mitchell Rose [United States]
Gnossienne - Krzysztof Rynkiewicz [Poland]
H. - Adrian Regnier Chavez [Mexico]
Half a world away, here - Alfonso Nogueroles [Spain]
Here but not here at all at the same time - Daz Disley & Fenia Kotsopoulou [United Kingdom]
I had to recompile the Kernel - Jacek Doroszenko [Poland]
Intersection - Kasumi [United States]
Mdr.html - Sandrine Deumier and Alx P.op [France]
Meandro Rosso - Paolo Bandinu [Italy]
Moonlight midnight - Basir Mahmood [Pakistan]
Other birth - Donya Hajizadeh [Iran]
Pulsation - Lina Condes [Ukraine]
Reverse metamorphosis - Eleonora Manca [Italy]
Rosso papavero - Martin Smatana [Slovakia]
Sisters - Lea Vidakovic [Singapore]
The author's duty - Jerry King Musser [United States]
The hard way - Aigerim Jumagaliyeva [Kazakhstan]
The mysterious disappearance of the town’s last resident - Damon Mohl [United States]
Those drawn alive - Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara [Finland]
To face - Anupong Charoenmitr [Thailand]
Without a doubt - Gerald Guthrie [United States]
Zero - Igor Imhoff [Italy]

VIII Edition

... in-volo-quadrato ... - Maria Korporal [Italy]
3 minutes song - Eva Fontana [Italy]
4B movie - Antonello Matarazzo [Italy]
Anatomy of a Poem - Rebecca Ruige Xu [United States]
Andante - Nick Rands [Brazil]
Confession - Ahmed Mohsen Mansour [Egypt]
Diary - 1 Gulli(n)ble 2012 - Diepdroom Productions - Rolf Versteegh, Lin Klaassen-Zwamborn, Toine Klaassen [Netherlands]
History repeats itself / L'Histoire se répète - Didier Feldmann (aka Videopaper) [France]
Little Falling Words - Igor Imhoff [Italy]
Mabu - Igor Krasik [Germany]
Melyna (Blue) - Rimas Sakalauskas [Lithuania]
Nevermore - Maria Korporal [Italy]
Notre histoire - Lépine Vincent [New Caledonia]
O. - Adrian Regnier Chavez [Mexico]
Paroniria - Mauricio sanhueza [Peru]
Primordial Soup - Hideyuki Tanaka [Japan]
Sarà stato - Marta Roberti [Italy]
Sempiterno - Ora [Israel]
Shift - Juan Carlos Zaldivar [United States]
Short trip in an image of the time. - Lino Strangis [Italy]
Still burning inside me… - Silvana Sferza [Italy]
Storia - Gérard Cairaschi [France]
The End - Ülo Pikkov [Estonia]
The Ice Song - ferrie = differentieel [Netherlands]
Topology of the Nine Circles / Open Set 5 - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar [Spain]
Une minute-lumière - Roberto D'Alessandro [Italy]
Ungun - Jessica Fenlon [United States]
Untitled (Uglyscape) - Nam Le [Vietnam]
Variations in the Stone Forest - Ouestbrouq [France]
Wombs - Francesca Fini [Italy]

VII Edition

3 Steps - Revital Ray-V Elkayam [Israel]
9 times - Sandra Dollo [Germany]
Alone - Matilde De Feo [Italy]
Art Must Be Original, Artist Must Be Original - Eero Yli-Vakkuri [Finland]
Blood - Francesca Fini [Italy]
Calico - Mauricio Sanhueza [Peru]
Ceremonies & Rituals - David Oppenheim [Israel]
Chal diye - Nida Fatima Khan [Canada]
DanseV#3-Absence - Hervé Penhoat [France]
Digital Intemediated Swimming - Hyung-suk Lee [South Korea]
Elusive entity - Venugopal V.G. [India]
Figures - Cláudia Melo [Portugal]
Four winds - Matías Montarcé [Spain]
Hisab - Ezra Wube [Ethiopia]
Human Alienation - Chiara Mazzocchi [Germany]
Liquid jail - Matías Montarcé [Spain]
Lumpen - Daniel Ivan [Mexico]
Maenad - Ryley O'Byrne [Canada]
Pagan Inner - Alessandro Amaducci [Italy]
Pascal's room - Jimmy Roche [United States]
Re.birth - Andreas Mares [Austria]
Rewind - Recep Akar [Turkey]
Rgb - Mario Raoli [Italy]
SP #3 - Carl Knickerbocker [United States]
Sacrificus economicus - Thomas Godenaire Paupère [France]
Shedding - Alessandro Amaducci [Italy]
Star of Tyche - Nara Denning [United States Minor Outlying Islands]
Wired - Eli Souaiby [Lebanon]
Wounds - Benjamin Fox [United Kingdom]
WuXing: Huo - Jac Min [Singapore]
[ Double Bind ] - Red Bind - Gilivanka Kedzior & Barbara Friedman [France]

VI Edition

...niland 2 - Marius and Rocio / Leneweit and Rodriguez [Germany]
Again (bloody painting) - Fabio Sanna [Italy]
Android - Hicham Lasri [Morocco]
Butter cow - Junichiro Ishii [France]
Cesta - Marta Daeuble [France]
Cuerpos deshonrados (dishonored bodies) - Juanma Carrillo [Spain]
Cyanide - Barbara Agreste [United Kingdom]
Disillusion - Miao Xiaochun [China]
Einzweidreivier!'s loudmouth videoclip - Bruno Chaix [France]
Eva/eve - Loredana Raciti [Italy]
Ha grandi ali l'uccello del sole - Agustin Sanchez [Mexico]
Homo modernus - tractatus philosophicus - Iñigo Orduña + Claudio Molinari [Spain]
Horizons - Zlatko Cosic [United States]
Jigo jisho - Roelof Broekman [Netherlands]
Les barbares - Jean-Gabriel Périot [France]
Magia - Gérard Cairaschi [France]
O snu - Lucija Mrzljak [Croatia]
Original face - Lei Benben [China]
Percorso#0008-0209 - Igor Imhoff [Italy]
Percorso#0009-0410 - Igor Imhoff [Italy]
Read these roads - Kai Lossgott [South Africa]
Rebirth - David R. Burns [United States]
Rope 2010 - Paola Luciani [Italy]
The choice - Paola Luciani [Italy]
The city and the other - Albert Merino [Spain]
The conspiracy of brain - Didier Feldmann (aka Videopaper) [France]
The modern man - Joe Hambleton [Canada]
The trace of salt - Albert Merino [Spain]
The white rain - Albert Merino [Spain]
This is my voice - Roland Wegerer [Austria]
Tu-bi - Lidia Meriggi [Italy]
Vanitas - Charlotte Cornaton [France]
Walls - Kevork Mourad [Syrian Arab Republic]
White - Feng Xi [Canada]

V Edition

X-Scape 06 - Martux_M e Mattia Casalegno (Italy)
Afloat W.I.L.L. (cetacei) - VestAndPage - Verena Stenke & Andrea Pagnes (Germany)
Mensonges - Gérard Cairaschi (France)
Dimmi chi sono - Andrea Biagioni (Italy)
Nothing is finished - Hyun Ju Song (South Korea)
Clash - Branko Pasìc (Croatia)
Cry me - Francesca Fini (Italy)
Cercando l'illuminazione - Silvia De Gennaro (Italy)
Memoria di un folle - KeziaT (Kezia Terracciano) (Italy)
Look up! - Silvia De Gennaro (Italy)
Under your breath - Papadia Daniela (Italy)
Dead seequences - Fabio Scacchioli (Italy)
Colonize - VestAndPage - Verena Stenke & Andrea Pagnes (Germany)
L'écoulement et l'injection - Wong Pak Yin (France)
Travelling book - Resmi Al Kafaji (Iraq)
Pollenating II - David Montgomery (United States)
Diagonale - Nicolas Boulard (France)
Frame line - Debora Vrizzi (Italy)
Elements of time - David Montgomery (United States)
Racconti per una solitudine insonne 'La Storia dei Sogni' - Emilio Rizzo (Italy)
Basin - David Geiss (Canada)
Something in between memories - Noriko Okaku (United Kingdom)
Confined 10-01-2 - Russell J. Chartier, Paul J Botelho (United States)
Back and forth - Doug Williams (United States)
Travel journal from an invisible man - Alessandro Perini (Italy)
The snail on the slope - Vladimir Todorovic (Serbia and Montenegro)
Rose is a rose - Evelin Stermitz (Austria)
Apparenze - Elisabetta Di Sopra (Italy)
Blurred butterfly - Giulia Citterio (Italy)
An italian tale - Pasquale Napolitano (Italy)

IV Edition

Taste - Maarit Murka (Estonia)
Cerebral adventure - John Deneuve (France)
Un gatto ha sette vite - Maria Korporal (Neetherland)
Balatta - Danilo Stojic (Serbia and Montenegro)
One moment - Lino Strangis (Italy)
Marees_Chalet_07_23 - Rona Rangsch (Germany)
A still eye doesn't see - Cleantho Viana (Brazil)
A single glass of water light up the world - Boldizsar Csernak (United Kingdom)
Per fare un tavolo - Lemeh42 (Italy)
Soartem - Andrea Malpede (Italy)
Relativity - 3P=3Players (China)
Controcorrente - Silvana Sferza (Italy)
Little partenope - Michele Pesce (Italy)
2settembre2008 - Lidia Tropea (Italy)
Oh, what a lucky man - Giovanni Monti (Italy)
Moto perpetuo - Simona Minniti (Italy)
Naked - Kika Nicolela (Brazil)
Grand Central / Central Terminal - Caroline Koebel (United States)
Passing by - Maria Korporal (Neetherland)
Donna - retrospettiva di un evoluzione - Rossana Cagnolati (Italy)
EZS: sequenza 1 - Alessandro Brucini (Italy)
Motion - Robin Whenary (United Kingdom)
Empty doors - Marisa Vallone (Italy)
Fiore di luglio - Dante Albanesi (Italy)
Hiding - Eva Rorandelli (Italy)
Multi identity man - Lino Strangis (Italy)
On the wall - Serge De Hildebrandt (France)
Caracas morphosys version - FernandoParis, Marilyn Birchfield (Venezuela)
Disforme - Arthur Tuoto (Brazil)
The abyss - Ulf Kristiansen (Norway)

III Edition

Them me - Nisrine Boukhari (Syria)
Promenade - Iun'ichiro Ishii (Japan)
Energie! - Thorsten Fleisch (Germany)
Nijuma no borei - Jean-Gabriel Périot (France)
Homecoming artist - Marcus Shahar (Israel)
Interno7 - Nervo e Tes (Italy)
Reality - Silvia De Gennaro (Italy)
Dreams of the garden - Bill Bahmermann (United States)
Aislado - Gerard Freixes Ribera (Spain)
Seek assistance - Vishal Shah (United Kingdom)
A-fusion - Barbara Zenobi (Italy)
Palarel parking - Kentaro Yamada (Japan)
Metamorphosys - Simona Minniti (Italy)
Breath - Bruno Estevan (Italy)
RGB - MALC Massimilano Acerra & Lorena Canulli (Italy)
Superimposing L.A. - Gerald Roßacher & Michael Weingärtner (Austria)
Di culla in culla - Nervo e Tes (Italy)
Milo's dream - Elvira Sanchez lopez (Spain)
Frame 2007 - Eden Orion (Israel)
Maieutica - Andrea Fossati, Alessandro rizzo, Luca Roggero (Italy)
Maya has a gun - Tal Lotan (Israel)
A doll's house is... - Henry Gwiazda (United States)
The art of reception - Ulf Kristiansen (Norway)
Snowfakes - Emily Alden Foster (United States)
Dal vuoto - Giacomo Grasso (Italy)
Sala d'attesa - Morena Casari (Italy)
Travel trip - Michele Pesce (Italy)
Eden - Jessica Japino (Italy)
Compound eyes - Iun'ichiro Ishii, Burcu Costur (Japan)

II Edition

A second before waking up - Rino Stefano Tagliafierro (Italy)
Au quart de tour - Antonin de Bemels (Belgium)
Anima - James Grafsgaard (United States)
Bluescape - Axel & Michael Ebert (Germany)
Circles and rounds - Dennis Miller (United States)
Continuum - Suguru Goto (Japan)
Da dietro lo specchio, mi spio - Fabio Scacchioli (Italy)
Defragged - Margit Nobis (Austria)
Eclisse - Luca Christian Mander (Italy)
Feminin - Monoscopestudio (Hungary)
Genius loci - Mario D'Andreta & Luca Criscuolo (Italy)
Idiot's brew - Antonin de Bemels (Belgium)
Innesti - Andrea Montagnani (Italy)
La pianta - Antonello Novellino (Italy)
Live pay sing bear die - Alessandro Vigo (Italy)
Low pressure - Andrea Malpede (Italy)
Selfportrait - Matteo Fato (Italy)
Sensoriale - Barbara Zenobi (Italy)
Silkworm - Jun'ichiro Ishii (Japan)
Symphonie #1 opus 9" - Jérémy Laffon (France)
Stalker - Ganbriele Pesci (Italy)
The planes - Thomas Lisle (United Kingdom)
Under twilight - Jean-Gabriel Périot (France)
Urban life - Marco Villani (Italy)
Where are you - Maya Zignone (Italy)
ZeWoRo - Gennaro Maria Cedrangolo (Italy)

Infinite trajectory - Christin Bolewsky (Germany)
Les amoureuse - Jimmy Owenns (France)
Location insecure - Natalie Bookchin (United States)
New sample - Marina Landia (Germany)
Sea monsters - Fernando G. Tamajon (Spain)
Use condoms - Franca Formenti (Italy)
Wtiting N.Est - Michele Pesce (Italy)
Yellow pages - Guenter Puller (Austria)

I Edition

Dies Irae - Jean-Gabriel Périot (France)
Headpincers - Antonio Pannullo (Italy)
Glimpse - Jerry King Musser (United States)
The physicality of thought generation - Jerry King Musser (United States)
Svankmajer - Jerry King Musser (United States)
Piano sfera - Jerry King Musser (United States)
House of tomorrow - Agricola de Cologne (Germany)
Crocodiles in Venice - Ries Straver (Neetherland)
Fuck television - Ries Straver (Neetherland)
Selfportrait for Francis Bacon and George Dyer - Matt Flowers (United States)
Inferno - Matt Flowers (United States)
Exten(z)sion project III - Chiara Passa (Italy)
Audiocommedia - Audioside (France)
Electric Sleep - Kevin Kunze (United States)
The tower trilogy - Barbara Agreste (Italy)
Gameplay - Anne Holst, Jean-Marc Matos, Antoine Schmitt (Germany)
Timer/wait - Dario Quaranta (Italy)
Blaine - Paul Ketterman (United States)
Fulltime - Artur Muradyan, Dmitri Sozinov, Sergei Soloviev (Russian Federation, Armenia)
Day of poetry - Tatiana Antoshina, Marian Zhunin, Artur Muradyan (Russian Federation, Armenia)
Motion A: flow - Yuki Ogawa (Japan)
Abstracts - Thomas Hitthaler (Italy)
Structural myopia - Lane Last (United States)
Jour de reve - Yuki Kawamura (Japan)
Engine trouble - Philip Sanderson (United Kingdom)
Dale/Zu - 47thFloorStudio (Italy)
Magic Mountain - Ashley Hackworth (United States)
Militar standard - Uqbar project (Chile)
Showcase - Adam Hinterlang (United States)
The train - Yang Zhifei (China)

2025/26 Magmart | design & development:studio tad