The Webster University Film Series, St. Louis’ cinematic alternative since 1979, is a nationally known and recognized year-round film exhibition program. The Midwest’s premiere hosting venue for American and foreign features, documentaries, classic and experimental cinema, and national and international artist presenting their work, the Film Series represents a genuine cinematic alternative in the St. Louis community. Additionally, the Webster University Film Series has become the location for many national tours of international cinema, often acting as the only such venue in Missouri. The Series is host to speakers and visiting artists who address the pertinent issues in films presented. In an effort to further integrate film with education, the Film Series provides workshops with artists and experts.
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Webster University Film Series organize the F.I.V.E. screening as follow:
The F.I.V.E. screening will have place at Winifred Moore Auditorium, on 7.30 pm
The screening will start on 2014-11-08 and go on until 2014-11-09 at:
Webster University Film Series Winifred Moore Auditorium (470 E. Lockwood, Webster Groves, MO 63119), St. Louis, Missouri (USA)