When you are ready, you can submit your video artwork (remember, the deadline is on 2014 february 28).
The video must be fully realized with digital technology.
The video must be single channel.
The video must be sent in format .avi, .mpeg or .mov (PAL) format; any other format
will be rejected.
The video must be more than 1 minute and not over 5 minutes long (without credits - see below).
The video must have a quality (dimension, resolution) suitable for a public screening, without any further shipping of an high-res copy. The required size is 1280 px X 720 px (16:9).
The video must have no titles or other textual indication (author, website, etc), and no credits, at it's start!
You must download a layered .pdf file, to enter title and name; this file must bu used to create credits in a header (time lenght: 7 seconds) positioned at start of video file itself (without changes made to font type and size, colors and positions).
The file should be downloaded by here:
title file. If you need the used fonts too, are downloadable by here:
N.B. The .pdf file must be open and edited with Photoshop (or similar), not with Acrobat! Look at videos page to well understand what we mean.
The video must be accompanied by a fully and correctly compiled participation form.
The video must be accompanied by
two still-frames from the video itself, in .jpg format, and with dimension
not less than 1280px/720px
All required materials and infos can be entered in only one way, online:
- Fill out the form, before midnight of 2014 February, 28
- In the form, indicate an URL http or ftp for downloading the video (i.e.: http://www.mydomain.com/myvideo.mov)
- Is possible to use a free service for big file transfer, like www.wetransfer.com or similar
- Name the file in this way: name_surname-title-sense.extension_of_file (i.e.: john_doe-my_video-sight.mov)
The video must be effectively available at indicated URL within the deadline. If required by service you choice, indicate the email address
submission(at)f-i-v-e.net to alert us of availability of your files.
do not send us link to videos hosted on
YouTube, or similar websites! They do not match our rules! We need
your original artwork.
Vimeo link are acceptable only if they make an HD version of video is available for download.
If you want go ahead with submission, click here:
You'll be required
to login; remember that your access data are:
your email (be sure to input that you used to register)
Password: (you receive it when register, and then it has sent to you via email)
Thank you again for your participation!